One man’s improbable quest to make a unique MMORPG. Learn more!


Terms of Service


  1. Be Nice
  2. Play at your own risk
  3. We keep the IP
  4. If you’re an ass, I’ll ban you
  5. If you stop playing for a long time, I might delete your stuff
  6. These terms can change

1. Conduct

Be nice. Have patience. Offer respect. Communicate. Relax. Have fun. It’s just a game.

If other people are toxic, just /ignore them. There’s never any reason to be toxic in return.

2. Disclaimer

No person or entity involved in any way with Sunderwild™ or anything related to it is in any way responsible for anything that happens to any person or any property any where at any time or for any reason. It’s just a game. You’re responsible for your own life.

For now (and probably forever), Sunderwild™ is a one-person operation with a tiny budget run on a cheap VPS. Please set your expectations accordingly. There will probably be bugs and downtime, and there might even be data loss. I’ll do my best to give you a good experience, but I promise nothing.

3. Intellectual Property

The owners of the various intellectual properties involved with Sunderwild™ retain full ownership and all rights to those properties. This includes but is not limited to any graphics, audio, or text which a player may arrange into “characters” or any other form of in-game content. A purchase of game time does not convey any ownership or license to any intellectual property of any kind.

4. Termination of Service

I reserve the right to terminate any player account at any time for any or no reason.

Now, it’s in my own interests to keep as many people playing as possible. So I’m probably only going to do it if you’re being offensive, cheating, hacking, etc. But ultimately the decision is mine.

5. Player Data Retention

It costs me very little to retain the data for any one player, so if you stop playing I’ll probably keep your characters, etc on the server for a long time. But cumulatively those costs can rise. If we wind up having large quantities of dormant accounts, at some point I might need to prune some of them to prevent needing to pass that cost along to the people who are actually playing. I can’t know what those factors might be, so I can’t offer you any specifics. Just know that if you stop playing for a long time, the odds will grow that you might lose your account.

6. Changes to Terms

The Terms of Service, Privacy Statement, and all other policies related to Sunderwild™ are subject to change at any time without notice.

I’ll make reasonable efforts to keep players informed about changes, but legally it’s your responsibility to keep up with them.

Privacy Statement


  1. I won’t sell your data
  2. I don’t have access to your payment details
  3. The game uses third parties I don’t control
  4. Nothing in-game should be considered truly private

1. User Data

The various technologies that compose Sunderwild™ may track and retain information about you, including but not limited to your name, email address, IP address, phone number, authentication information, and in-game communication. In most circumstances, I will not give, sell, or trade any of this user data to any third party.

One exception is the sharing of data with third parties that is required for the functioning of the game. These may include but are not limited to authentication services, payment processors, and software distributors.

Another exception is any sharing of data legally required by a government entity.

Lastly, I reserve the right to share user data if I deem it necessary to protect myself, other people, or the game as a whole.

2. Payment Information

The Sunderwild™ game service itself will never receive your payment details (credit card number, etc). All payments will be handled directly by third-party payment processors. Any payment interface appearing within a Sunderwild™ interface will actually be a third-party interface embedded within the Sunderwild™ interface. I will never have access to the payment information that you give them.

3. Third Party Services

Sunderwild™ relies on third parties to provide essential functions of the game. This necessarily involves providing these parties with some information about the players.

I have no control over these third parties. I do my best to choose reliable, ethical companies to work with and it is my personal hope that none of them will do anything improper with your information. But I cannot offer you any guarantees about what other people will or won’t do.

If you suspect that any third party service involved in Sunderwild™ is misusing player data, please contact me.

4. In-Game Privacy

Any data you submit to Sunderwild™ can potentially be read by other people. This includes but is not limited to public and private chat channels and player-to-player chat and mail.

I will make reasonable efforts to keep your conversations private. But I can and will view player communication as needed to enforce the Terms of Service, troubleshoot the system, or for anything else that I judge to be a legitimate need.